What is a Bioswale?
A bioswale is a landscape element that removes silt and pollution, helping to make the Anacostia river cleaner. The swale catches and slows the runoff, which sinks into the soils, eventually flowing into the river, cleaned of chemical contaminants such as salt, oils from cars, and residues from exhaust. The Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS), an ACBA member, helps manage the bioswale environment around the Boathouse site. One Sunday per month from spring through fall, ACBA/AWS members and other volunteers are asked to lend a hand to pull up or cut back invasive plant species, pick up drink bottles, and other litter and debris. Check out the articles below for more information on past ACBA large-scale bioswale cleanup events. Regular bioswale work sessions are held one Sunday per month from April through October each year. Check the ACBA events calendar to find an upcoming session to volunteer for. Â
ACBA Large-Scale Bioswale Cleanup Events